Introduction: Dialogues with Technology


  • Luca Barra Università di Bologna
  • Oswaldo García Crespo Universidade de Vigo


Riferimenti bibliografici

Barra, Luca (2015). Palinsesto. Storia e tecnica della programmazione televisiva. Roma-Bari: Laterza.

Bolter, Jay David and Richard Grusin (1998). Remediation: Understanding New Media. Boston: MIT Press.

Everett, Anna and John T. Caldwell (2003). New media: theories and practices of digitextuality. London: Routledge.

Jenner, Mareike (2018). Netflix and the Reinvention of Television. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Langford, Michelle (2008). “Lola and the vampire: Technologies of time and movement in German cinema.” In Cinema and technology cultures theories practices, edited by B. Bennett, M. Furstenau, and A. Mackenzie, 187-200. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Llinares, Dario and Sarah Arnold (2015). “Reframing Cinematic Space and Audience Practice in the Digital Age.” Networking Knowledge 8(5): 1-12.

Manovich, Lev (2001). The Language of New Media. Boston: MIT Press.

Molina, Carlos (2020). “Netflix apuesta por convertir a España en el ‘hub’ audiovisual de Europa.” Cinco Días, 23 June 2020. (last accessed 15-12-20).

Neira, Elena (2020). Streaming Wars. La nueva televisión. Barcelona: Planeta.

Nikdel, E. W. (2015). “Re-centering the Cinema Experience in a Multi-Platform, Digital Age.” Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network 8(5).

Rubin, Peter (2019). “Disney’s New Lion King is the VR-Fueled Future of Cinema.” Wired, 7 October 2019.,looks%20like%20a%20real%20movie (last accessed 15-12-20).

TV series and films cited

Black Mirror (2011-2019)

Deutschland 83 (2015)

Game of Thrones (2011-2019)

The Lion King (2019)

The Mandalorian (2019-)

Timecode (2000)

Twin Peaks (1990-1991)




Come citare

Luca Barra, & Oswaldo García Crespo. (2020). Introduction: Dialogues with Technology. Series - International Journal of TV Serial Narratives, 6(2).