La fiction Doc in onda sul canale francese TF1. Analisi di un evento mediatico
Doc, serie, Francia, TF1, RaiAbstract
Between January 6th and February 24th, 2021, TF1, France’s first private channel and Europe’s first channel in terms of ratings, broadcasts the Italian television series Doc every Wednesday evening in prime time, with two episodes per week. A very rare event in France, a popular RAI drama, which is also a non-American medical drama with a subtle italian flavour, finds its audience and manages to keep them interested throughout the eight weeks of broadcasting: through different methodological issues suggested by the vast field of cultural/television/media studies, with the analysis of the contents and conditions of diffusion, reception and transnational circulation of Doc, the article proposes an reading of a media event in the French audiovisual panorama to try to understand if the programming of the Italian TV series on TF1 allows us to believe in positive perspectives for future transalpine productions on French screens, outside the platforms – traditional or new – of SVOD or niche channels.
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