Analysis of the postfeminist multimodal discourse in the series “Madre solo hay dos”: local-transnational-transcultural communication imbrication


  • Claudia Benassini Universidad La Salle



transnationalization, transcultural communication, postfeminist media culture, multimodal discourse, TV series


This article provides a preview of the research started two years ago on transcultural communication in television series, within the framework of transnationalization. The results of the exploration of the analysis of multimodal discourse to the Mexican series Madre solo hay dos, available on the Netflix platform since January 2021are now presented. The article consists of four parts. The first contextualizes the Netflix-transnationalization relationship and tries to justify the selection of the series; the second outlines the post-feminist media culture as a starting point for the construction of the model. The third part presents the analysis model based on the contributions of social semiotics and multimodal discourse analysis to show the results in the next part. The conclusions revolve around the possibility of continuing the analysis of Ibero-American series starring women to contribute to the incorporation of the results into feminist media culture and transcultural communication in the context of transnationalization.


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How to Cite

Benassini, C. (2021). Analysis of the postfeminist multimodal discourse in the series “Madre solo hay dos”: local-transnational-transcultural communication imbrication. Series - International Journal of TV Serial Narratives, 7(2), 23–38.